A homespan silk used for beautiful dresses worn by turkmen women?

Answers 1


The silk textile product from Turkmenistan is called a Keteni. It is beautifully made into a dress for Turkmen women on special occasions, like a wedding gown. The embroidery design of the dress is unique to every Turkmen family, similar to a family or clan symbol. The Keteni has been a part of the Turkmenistan Culture and Tradition for generations. It has been a part of the Great Silk Road Trade and has been called different names by other civilizations in the Eurasian region (Hebrew - kittonet,  Arabic - katton, and ancient Greek - hiton).

The Keteni is known for its modest to bright colors, especially the color Red. In Turkmenistan tradition, it is believed that red has the magical powers to ward of evil spirits.  Aside from special occasions, it also used on clothes for daily use. A bright color is often worn by the children while adults wear a modestly colored Keteni fabrics.

Related Topic - Value of Keteni


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