Whose vision is most prominent in a production?​

  • mhk


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    1 year ago

Answers 2


Making a video can be a one person production but the more elaborate your ideas get, the more likely you’ll need a crew to execute your vision. In this video, we give you a rundown of the basics of how all the work is divided up on a basic crew.

Keep in mind that this focuses mostly on the on-set personnel, and even still it doesn’t include every single crew member! Here’s a recap of what we just learned, along with a few extra people peppered in there to round out the list. The amount of people you need to help make your film vary widely from a simple duo to many hundreds of crew members.

A Producer is a key coordinator for the production. They are involved in many if not all aspects of the production from start to finish. They often have a hand in the production process, creative, financial, and administrative.

An Executive Producer is usually the main investor of the project.

The Production Manager works alongside the executive producer and helps to prepare the budget, oversees the preparation of the production team, and various day to day production decisions.

The Director is in control of all creative aspects of the film. They are the primary person responsible for the storytelling, creative decisions and acting of the film.

The 1st Assistant Director is in charge of basically running the set. As an assistant to the director, they organize the crew, prepare shooting schedules and organize the entire flow of all production activity.

The 2nd Assistant Director distributes documents such as scripts and call sheets to the cast and crew. They also help supervise the set with the 1st AD.

The Script Supervisor’s job is to keep track of what has been shot in accordance with the script including what changes have been made and how to prevent any continuity errors going forward.


The Director


The Director is in control of all creative aspects of the film. They are the primary person responsible for the storytelling, creative decisions and acting of the film. The 1st Assistant Director is in charge of basically running the set.

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