WHAT TO KNOW 1. What is digital photography? 2. Briefly describe the basic technology behind the earliest cameras. 3. In place of the previous light-sensitive film, how are today's digital images captured and stored? 4. What are the two main types of digital photography in use today? 5. Why is one of them called point-and-shoot photography? 6. What does the acronym DSLR stand for? 7. Cite two or three differences between these forms of digital photography.​

  • mhk


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    1 year ago

Answers 1


  1. Digital photography uses cameras containing arrays of electronic photodetectors to produce images focused by a lens, as opposed to an exposure on photographic film.
  2. These early civilisations used a very simple optical device, called a camera obscura, to project real-life scenes on a surface or wall.
  3. In the digital photographic world, information is captured and stored as data not as pictures.
  4. There are, however, two main types of cameras available today for the general consumer: the DSLR (or SLR) and the point and shoot.
  5. Point and shoot, in terms of cameras, refers to the type of still camera that has an autofocus and a built-in flash component. It is widely used by non-professionals because it is easy to use and comes in a user-friendly, compact size.
  6. Digital Single Lens Reflex
  7. Digital Prosumer Cameras
  • :: could be either high end compact cameras or hybrid SLRs
  • :: technical standard but marketed at low price

Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras (DSLR)

  • :: is a digutal camera that incorporates the lenses and mechanisms of a single lens reflix camera with a digital image sensor


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