1. How does impressionist art differ from expressionist art? Give at least comparisons for each. 2. Which form of abstractionist art do you like most? Why? 3. Who among the Filipino artists have this abstractionist style? Describe his works. 4. Is installation art an enjoyable art? Why or why not?​

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  • mhk


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    1 year ago

Answers 1

1. While the paintings are based on the real world, Impressionists paint the scene as if they had only glanced at it for a moment. Expressionism is directly focused on the emotional response of the artist to the real world, using disproportionate sizes, odd angles, and painted in vivid and intense colors.

2. VASILY KANDINSKY (White composition VII 1913)

Kandinsky tried to capture the feeling of hearing music using a cacophony of form and colour that make a truly distinct style. It is considered to be one of his most recognisable and successful works.

3. Hernando Ruiz Ocampo was a Filipino artist best known for his abstract paintings. Following in Modernist traditions, Ocampo used bold color palettes and biomorphic shapes inspired by both his country’s landscape and by science fiction writing. He painted brilliant canvases that bear a distinctive originality.

4. YES

Because an installation usually allows the viewer to enter and move around the configured space and/or interact with some of its elements, it offers the viewer a very different experience from (say) a traditional painting or sculpture which is normally seen from a single reference point.

i hope its help

(≧∇≦)/ brainlies or no


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