atuto Learning Task 4: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your notebook. 1. The element of art that can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin is __ A. shape C. color B. line D. form 2. The element of art that pertains to the area between and around objects is A. space B. color C. form D. texture 3. The element of art that shows the surface quality that can be seen and felt is called _ A. line C. texture B. form D. color 4. The principle of art that pertains to the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture and space is called A. balance C. movement B. emphasis D. pattern 5. The principle of art that is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas is called A. variety C. movement B. unity D. proportion​

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