1. Southeast Asia is the huge peninsula of Indochina and the extensive archipelago that sometimes called as__________.2. Southeast Asian arts are basically________ in nature. 3. The States of_______ and______ are where batik first flourished.4. Cotton textiles also became part of Cambodian culture. Rural women often weave homemade_____ fabric. 5.______were being used not just as a means to lūll the children to sleep, but more importantly, famers used them as scarecrows in the fields.​

  • mhk


  • Author:

  • Created:

    1 year ago

Answers 1

1. Southeast Asia is the huge peninsula of Indochina and the extensive archipelago that sometimes called as East Indies.

2. Southeast Asian arts are basically religious in nature.

3. The States of Kelantan and Terengganu are where batik first flourished.

4. Cotton textiles also became part of Cambodian culture. Rural women often weave homemade cotton fabric.

5. Kites were being used not just as a means to lull the children to sleep, but more importantly, famers used them as scarecrows in the fields.

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