4. As an artist, how helpful is digital painting? 5. What are the advantages of using computers in digital painting What's More​

Answers 1


4. Because digital art creation is already stored on a digital device it is easier for artists to share their work in it's highest form. Work can be shared digitally on websites and through social media instantly. There are both benefits and drawbacks of digital painting while digital painting allows the artist the ease of working in an organized mess-free environment some argue there will always be more control for an artist holding a physical brush.

5. Advantages of Digital Art

The advantages of computer aided system in art design are mainly reflected in improving the efficiency of art design simple operation more convenient saving and display function and significant objectivity.

  • More Efficient. Easier to get started and work quickly.
  • More Forgiving nothing is permanent when you have the undo button.
  • More Exploration. Unlimited experimental possibilities.
  • Easier duplication. Ideal for working with clients.

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