1. Balance, pattern, movement, emphasis, rhythm, unity, and contrast are considered… *Principles of designElements of designCraftArts2.. Lines, color, value, texture, shape, form, and space are considered… *Principles of designElements of designCraftArts3. A type of balance which results from unequal visual weight on each side of the composition *AsymmetricalRadialSymmetricalGeometric4. Formal balance is another word for which type of balance? *AsymmetricalRadialSymmetricalGeometric5. A type of element in art which reflected light *ValueColorTextureShape6. Which element does this picture illustrate? *Captionless ImageLineTextureColorForm7. It exist in three dimensions, with length, width, and height. *rhythmcontrastformshape8. It creates visual excitement and adds interest to the artwork. *ContrastColorBalanceShape9.. Which is a type of balance? *symmetricalgeometricorganicprimary​

Answers 1


1.principles of design

2.elements of design

3.radial balance

4.asymmetrical balance







huhu d ko na alam 6 and 8

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