Analyze the elements and principles based on the picture aboveELEMENTS•Color•LinePRINCIPLES•Scale•Portion​

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    1 year ago

Answers 1

AnswerElements of Art


The artwork uses flat but vibrant colors.


The artwork uses contour lines to create simple human anatomy.

Principles of Art


In ancient Egyptian art, important people are often portrayed larger than other social classes. For example, in the picture, Nebamun is the largest figure because he was a middle-ranking official.


The human anatomy in the artwork is in proportion to real-life human anatomy.

Here is a simplified definition of the Elements and Principles of Art

Elements of Art

  • Lines - a moving point that creates length and direction
  • Shape - a 2-dimensional enclosed area (e.g. Triangle, Square, Circle, Rectangle, etc.)
  • Form - A 2D illustration that gives an illusion of being in a 3D form
  • Color - Also called Hue
  • Value - also known as 'Shadow', value is how strong (lightness) or weak (Darkness) the presence of light is.
  • Texture - the surface quality or the feeling of the object (e.g. soft, smooth, rough, scaly, etc.)
  • Space - the illusion of an empty area (negative space) between objects (positive space).

Principles of Art

  • Balance - The way elements are arranged to create a sense of stability. there are three types of Balance: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, and Radial
  • Unity - Also known as composition, unity is when all elements and principles of art are in harmony to create a visually pleasing image.
  • Contrast - the difference between two elements to create a sense of interest, opposition, and tension (e.g. Big vs Small, Black and White, etc.)
  • Variety - The use of adding a few changes to create visual interest
  • Emphasis - The Focal point of an artwork. In other words, where the Eyes first look.
  • Movement (or Rythm) - it is where the viewer's eye looks throughout the artwork. In other words, the direction of the viewer's eyesight.
  • Pattern - a repetition of a motif or design
  • Proportion - the relationship between height, width, and depth. In other words, the size of the parts of an object in relation to other parts of the same object.
  • Scale -the size of one object in relation to the other objects in a design or artwork.

A Book That Many Hates -


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