1 year agoAuthor:
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7Asexual reproduction is the primary form of reproduction for single-celled organisms such as archaea and bacteria. Many eukaryotic organisms including plants, animals, and fungi can also reproduce asexually.
Sexual reproduction involves the production of new cells by the fusion of sex cells (sperm and ova) to produce a genetically different cell. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, is the production of new cells by simple division of the parent cell into two daughter cells (called binary fission). Since there is no fusion of two different cells, the daughter cells produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent cell.
The adaptive advantage of asexual reproduction is that organisms can reproduce rapidly, and so colonize favorable environments rapidly.
Bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, most protozoa, yeast, dandelions, and flatworms all reproduce asexually. When asexual reproduction occurs, the new individuals are called clones, because they are exact duplicates of their parent cells.
learn more about asexual production
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