6. The step of making an infographics in proper placing text, images, colors and other elements together making it as an attractive looking infographic design A. Collect data for your infographic B. Outline the goals of your infographic C. Visualize the data in your infographic D. Layout the elements of your infographic design 7. This is the easiest way to gather data from a ready-made information that you can find on books, magazines, newspaper and internet for your Infographics A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources 8. The approach of collecting and gathering of data that requires you to ask around, to send some emails, do research online, create own made survey and process your own conclusion. A. Data Sources B. Private Sources C. Published Sources D. Self-Made Sources 9. The type of infographics that demonstrates a chart with levels is called A. Timeline Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Geographical Infographics 10.David wanted to create an infographics about the cybercrime's statistics using graphs, tables and lists. What type of infographics should he use? A. Process Infographics B. Statistical Infographics C. Geographical infographics D. Research-based Infographics 11. Ronald wanted to create an infographics that will give viewers the control to modify it and is web-based. What type of infographics should he used? A. Statistical Infographics B. Interactive Infographics C. Hierarchical Infographics D. Research-based Infographics 12. Juan wanted to get the profile of his audience by classifying their occupation, gender, age, income level, religion, ethnicity, education level, and knowledge level. What type of audience profiling should Juan use? A. Geographic B. Infographic C. Demographics D. Psychographic​

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