1. Identify at least 3 common word processing software. Why do you use these software? How does it help you as a student?​

Answers 1


A Software or a computer that enables users to build, edit, and print documents is a word processor. It helps users to write text, save it electronically, show it on a computer, edit it by entering keyboard commands and characters, and print it out.

Word processing is the most popular of all computer applications. Most word processors are currently supplied either as a cloud service or as applications that can be installed on a PC or mobile device by users.

Advantages of word processor

People can type words faster than writing in a pen. It means they take less time to create a text while typing.

Word processors have fonts that make the text clear or easy to read, compared to distinct handwriting.

Through synchronization, a text can be generated by people in two separate locations. It means that both can edit quite simultaneously.

Text processors have automated spell testing features that assist in eliminating errors. In some cases, they also enable grammar correction.



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