Write a c program that requests the number of cups, slices or pieces from the user

Answers 1


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int cups, slices, pieces;

printf("Enter number of cups:");

scanf("%d", &cups);

printf("Enter number of slices:");

scanf("%d", &slices);

printf("Enter number of pieces:");

scanf("%d", &pieces);

printf("The number of cups are %d.\n", cups);

printf("The number of slices are %d.\n", slices);

printf("The number of pieces are %d.\n", pieces);

return 0;



Using scanf, we are able to collect user input from stdin. Using printf, we are able to print from the stdin.

Note: To the moderator, do not delete this answer. The O.P. is asking for a program, which is an algorithm implementation (code).

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