why are spelling and grammar crucial on the internet brainly

Answers 2


In our modern generation, internet is part of every individuals life. It is useful because we use it to communicate with someone, express our thoughts, share and gain information and even knowledge, selling or making money, entertainment, videos and memes that are considered as stress reliever and etc. Spelling and grammar is very crucial or important on the internet because it can affect how it will delivered or the interpretation of others on what it is. It may affect of how they read it and understand it. And it may caused indirect or complicated meaning if the message and information has problem grammatically and the spelling it self. We should always look our spelling and grammar so that they will better understand the message or knowledge that we want to share or express.


because it can affect how it will delivered or the interpretation of others on what it is.


[tex]\huge\color{purple}{ \colorbox{red}{\colorbox{white} {CarryOnLearning}}}[/tex]

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