Assume that you are working in new organization and you are asks by your supervisor to create a sample vision for your organization. ​

Answers 1

Here is a sample vision I created for my organization

In organizational context, vision contain the end goals that members of the organization can achieve and a long-term improvisation compared to the current condition. It is incredibly important to have vision, so that the entire member of the organization can work together towards the same goals.

Below is an example of vision for an organization which focuses on women empowerment:

Organization vision:
  1. Reach a wider exposure and community
  2. Permanent organization branch in each town, focusing on local smaller organization that cater to women needs
  3. Designing more field programs dedicated for women empowerment
  4. Holding annual conference in the topic of women empowerment
  5. Constantly providing assistance for women-related legal cases

All in all, composing a good vision for an organization requires every member of its organization. This way, everyone can discuss what would be the best interest that serve the organization itself and the community they are dedicating themselves to.

Learn more about the difference between mission and vision here:


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