2. A data gathering technique where it can be moderated to group interviews and brainstorming sessions that provide information on user's needs and behaviors. a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering 3. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail. a Data Gathering b Survey c. Focus Group Discussion d. Personal Interview 4. It refers to information gathered directly from the respondents who answered set of questions, a. Primary Research b. Secondary Research c. Survey d. Data Gathering5. It is the most common way to gather primary research with the use of questionnaires or interview schedule a. Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering 6. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a personal manner with the respondents, a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion 7. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail. a. Data Gathering b. Survey c. Survey d. Data gathering c. Focus Group Discussion d. Personal Interview​

Answers 1


2. A data gathering technique where it can be moderated to group interviews and brainstorming sessions that provide information on user's needs and behaviors (FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION)

3. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail. (SURVEY)

4. It refers to information gathered directly from the respondents who answered set of questions (PRIMARY RESEARCH)

5. It is the most common way to gather primary research with the use of questionnaires or interview schedule (INTERVIEW)

6.  It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a personal manner with the respondents (PERSONAL INTERVIEW)



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