what is personal traits/values needed of 'low academic performance'? and what it is action​

Answers 1

The following are the answers to these questions.

1) What is Personal Traits / Values Needed Of Low Academic Performance?

Personal values or personality traits that can be developed by students with a poor academic record include:

 * Self-motivation – Students who have been unsuccessful in school may lack self motivation, which means they do not see themselves as capable of succeeding academically. They need to learn how to motivate themselves through their own efforts rather than rely on others to provide this for them. This will help them develop an inner drive towards success.

 * Persistence – A student's persistence is another important trait he needs if he has failed at something before. He must realize that there is no point giving up because you don't succeed immediately. Instead, he should work hard until he succeeds. If he does give up, then his failure becomes even more severe.

 * Positive thinking – Many people think negative thoughts about themselves when things go wrong. However, positive thinking helps one overcome problems and achieve goals. Therefore, students who fail often tend to blame other factors such as teachers, parents, etc., but seldom look within themselves. To change this mindset, they need to focus on developing positive attitudes toward life.

 * Responsibility – It takes responsibility to accept your failures and move forward from them. When we take full responsibility for our actions, we become responsible adults. We also gain confidence and respect from others.

 * Time management skills – Successful time managers know how much time each task requires and manage their time accordingly. For example, some tasks require less effort while others require a lot of energy. In order to complete all assignments successfully, students must understand how long different activities will take and plan ahead so that they finish everything well before deadlines.

 * Goal setting – Having clear goals and objectives is essential for any individual. Without goals, individuals cannot accomplish anything; therefore, goal setting plays a very important role in achieving success.

2) What Is Action Required From Student With Poor Academic Record?

Action required from students with a poor academic record includes:

 1. Developing good study habits - Students with poor grades usually find studying difficult. As a result, they procrastinate and make excuses why they haven't studied yet. These reasons range from "I'm too tired" to "My teacher doesn't like me." The truth is that most students feel bad about failing and try to avoid doing homework. So, they end up making excuses instead of working harder. By avoiding studying, students miss out on opportunities to improve their grades.

 2. Taking initiative – Most students with poor grades believe that someone else is going to solve their problem for them. But, taking initiative shows courage and character. You'll never get anywhere without trying!

 3. Being persistent – Failure comes easily to many students. Because of this, they lose hope quickly and stop believing in themselves. On the contrary, those who persist despite setbacks eventually succeed.

 4. Learning how to deal with stress – Stress makes us act irrationally. Some students cope with stress by using alcohol or drugs. Others resort to violence or stealing. Still others use unhealthy ways to relieve stress including eating junk food or watching television. Whatever method they choose, students who suffer from stress are unlikely to perform well in class.

 5. Adopting a healthy lifestyle – Eating right, exercising regularly, sleeping enough hours every night, getting adequate rest, and having regular bowel movements are just some of the health practices that contribute to overall wellness. Healthier lifestyles lead to better mental clarity and concentration.

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