What type of plate boundaries exist in the following plate? a. Eurasian and Philippine plates b. Antarctic and South American plates c. Antarctic and Australian Plates d. South American and African plates e. North American and Eurasian plates f. South American and Antarctic plates

Answers 1


Type of plate boundaries exist in the following plate:

a. Eurasian and Philippine plates - Convergent Plate Boundary

b. Antarctic and South American plates - Convergent Plate Boundary

c. Antarctic and Australian Plates - Divergent Plate Boundary

d. South American and African plates -  Divergent Plate Boundary

e. North American and Eurasian plates -  Divergent Plate Boundary

f. South American and Antarctic plates -​ Convergent Plate Boundary


Divergent Boundaries

Divergent boundaries form along spreading centers where plates are moving apart and magma pushing up from the mantle creates new crust.

Imagine two massive conveyor belts facing each other but slowly moving in opposite directions, transporting newly formed oceanic crust away from the ridge crest.

Convergent Boundaries

Convergent boundaries occur when two plates collide.

Subduction zones form when one or both tectonic plates are made up of oceanic crust.

The less-dense plate is subducted beneath the denser plate.

The plate that is being pushed down is eventually melted and destroyed.

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