advertising contribution to my country

Answers 1


What is the contribution of advertising?

-Advertising gives the opportunity to companies to differentiate themselves and highlight their unique selling points. This stimulates competition in the marketplace, which, in turn, means that companies need to keep improving their products' value. For consumers this translates to higher quality and lower prices.

How does advertising helps society?

-Advertising plays a strong role in the economy: It provides useful information to consumers that tells them about product and service choices, as well as comparing features, benefits, and prices. With more complete information, consumers and businesses often choose to purchase additional products and services

Advertising contribution to my country

-Advertising gives the opportunity to companies to differentiate themselves and highlight their unique selling points. This stimulates competition in the marketplace, which, in turn, means that companies need to keep improving their products’ value. For consumers this translates to higher quality and lower prices.

Advertising gives the opportunity to companies to differentiate themselves and highlight their unique selling points. This stimulates competition in the marketplace, which, in turn, means that companies need to keep improving their products’ value. For consumers this translates to higher quality and lower prices.By helping companies succeed, advertising plays a key role in a dynamic global economy. Successful companies create more jobs, pay more tax and contribute directly to economic growth. A Deloitte study quantified that 1 euro invested in advertising generates 7 euros to EU GDP.

Advertising gives the opportunity to companies to differentiate themselves and highlight their unique selling points. This stimulates competition in the marketplace, which, in turn, means that companies need to keep improving their products’ value. For consumers this translates to higher quality and lower prices.By helping companies succeed, advertising plays a key role in a dynamic global economy. Successful companies create more jobs, pay more tax and contribute directly to economic growth. A Deloitte study quantified that 1 euro invested in advertising generates 7 euros to EU GDP.All over the world, public service advertising has proven to be an effective way to increase AIDS awareness, promote energy saving, fight domestic violence, or reduce road deaths by encouraging the use of seat belts.


hope it helps

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