Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutesCopy the table on a clean sheet of paper. Answer the questions in each columnHow will you respond to What could be theSituationshow respect for individualresult of your action?differences in your family?1. Your sibling is answering theschool modules when yourealized that it was alreadytime to wash the dishes. Lasttime when it was your turn,you stopped doing yourschool work and didhousehold chores.2. Your parents promised thatthey will buy a new mobilephone for you. However,because of the pandemic,they decided to buy apersonal computer that youcan share with your othersiblings instead3. Your siblings like to watchtheir favorite TV show whileyou are studying. You try toexplain to them that youcannot concentrate if theywould turn on the televisionbut they insist on watching​

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Answers 1


  • Response
  • Result

  • i tell to my sibling to finish their module first and after that they can wash dishes. i will get back if I'm done answering.
  • My siblings will be happy because they can concentrate answering modules.

  • Its ok because i know that its hard to earn money in this pandemic. I will also appreciate it and I'm content whatever they bought.
  • My parents will be happy that i appreciated they bought.

  • I would say kindly that i can't concentrate properly if there was loud voice and i request to decrease the sound of TV.
  • My siblings will be happy that they watch their favorite TV show and i will also be happy that i can concentrate to study while my siblings are watching.


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