traditional and legendary stories that involve gods and heroes, and explain cultural practices or natural phenomenon.

Answers 1

A collection of traditional and legendary stories involving gods and heroes, and explaining cultural practices or natural phenomena is called mythology.

Definition of mythology

The term mythology comes from the Greek, (mythología) which consists of two words, namely (mýthos) and (lógos). (mýthos) means story or legend, while (lógos) means narrative.

Mythology is the science of literary forms that contain sacred conceptions and fairy tales about the life of gods and spirits in a culture.

Difference between myth and mythology

1. Myth is folk prose that tells stories of the past. contains an interpretation of the universe and the existence of creatures in its nature, and is considered to have really happened by those who have stories or adherents.

2. Mythology is folklore that contains myths or can mean the study of myths.

Example of mythology

1. kraken

This giant octopus-shaped creature told by many ancient sailors was called a krake. Kraken was first described by fishermen off the coast of Norway

2. griffin

The griffin has the hind legs of a lion as well as the wings, beak and claws of an eagle. The story of the griffin is thought to have originated in the middle east

learn more about mythology


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