historian is not a blank of paper who mechanically interprets and analyzes present historical fact

Answers 1

Historians are not blank of paper who mechanically interpret and analyze existing historical facts. Historians are people who are influenced by their environment, context, education, ideology, as well as the influence of themselves among others. Thus, history is always subjective.


Historians are not only tasked with finding evidence and historical facts, but they are also tasked with interpreting these facts. Facts do not speak for themselves. The job of historians is to give meaning to those facts and organize them into a timeline, determine causes, and write history.

Historians are not blank of paper who mechanically interpret and analyze existing historical facts. Historians are people who are influenced by their environment, context, education, ideology, as well as the influence of themselves among others.

As such, his context and circumstances can influence his interpretation of the historical facts. His subjectivity will affect the historical research process. The facts he will select and consider relevant, his interpretation, and even his written work. So, in that way, history is always subjective.

Learn more about Historian on https://brainly.ph/question/11860516


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