ASSESSMENT 1a: Complete the table below by supplying the necessary information. You may use another sheet if the space provided is not enough. Contemporary Language or Dominant Theme/ Some Notable Historical Medium Literary Subject Writers and Period Used Forms or their Literary Genres Works Third Republic (1946-1972) Fourth Republic (1972-1986) Martial Law Period or New Republic Fifth Republic (1986-present)

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Answers 1


1.Contemporary Historical Period: Third Republic (1946-1972)

Language or Medium used: Tagalog and English

Dominant Literary Forms or Genres: Poems,

Theme/ Subject: Romantic and Revolutionary. Patriotic

Some Notable Writers and their literary works: The Cave and Other Poems (1968) by Cirilo Bautista

2. Contemporary Historical Period: Fourth Republic (1972-1986) Martial Law Period or New Republic

Language or Medium used: Tagalog and English

Dominant Literary Forms or Genres: Novels, short stories, poems, screenplays

Theme/ Subject: Revolutionary, criticism against the dictatorship, patriotic, protest, proletariat

Some Notable Writers and their literary works: Nick Joaquin (Quijano Manila)

3. Contemporary Historical Period: Fifth Republic

Language or Medium used: Tagalog

Dominant Literary Forms or Genres: Novels, novella, short stories, screenplays

Theme/ Subject: Poverty, Filipino Diaspora, social classes, injustices and inequality, social commentary

Some Notable Writers and their literary works: Bata, bata, paano ka ginawa? By Lualhati Bautista


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