Why rodrigo duterte is a great leader

Answers 1

Answer: Because Pres. Duterte uses the right and effective way of leadership to govern his people! Because he is the first Philippine president who is courageous enough to express brutally the “west’s interventions” in our country’s affair…and told the west to leave us alone…we are a sovereign country…and we know the best possible way to lead the Filipinos and NOT take the dictates of non-Filipino bureaucrats whose ulterior motives was only to put the country more down, so they could dictate and dictate the country’s leaders.

If you compare him to the last 5 presidents from 1.Aquino to 5. Aquino for 30 years. I consider him a good leader for his 6 years terms, he is not perfect but he change the Philippines in short term period just to imagine he build more projects than the past 30 years terms of the past presidents that will be useful until to the next generation to come. Less corruption and has Political will to fight the oligarchy and communist in this country...One more leadership with this kind of man in power the Philippines will continue to rise and be a next country to be inspired and equally leveled to the developed countries.

As far as I can see, he's one of the best leaders the Philippines had for decades. He strictly enforced the laws and started disciplining the people, which for me is about dam* time to. Many infrastructure projects are in the works, with more to come. This is more than projects done by previous administrations.

The only problem I see in him is that he do a lot of impulse comments that sometimes backfires at him.

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