1.why do you Athletes or athletic individuals need skill related fitness?2.Can others,besides atheletes, benefit from skill related fitness?why?3.Do yoy think that skill related fitness could also be a health-related fitness4.How will you benefit from having a strong or healthy skill related fitness Explain 5.How might developing strong or healthy skill-related fitness, affect the way you perform household chores and other physical activities?Explain​

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Answers 1


1. Why do athletes or athletic individuals need skill-related fitness? Athletes need to be fast, be able to change directions, have good balance, and all the other skills to be able to compete and be the best they can. 2. ... Everyone could benefit from skill related fitness—you may want to enjoy recreational activities.

2. Can others, besides athletes, benefit from skill-related fitness? ... Everyone could benefit from skill related fitness—you may want to enjoy recreational activities. You may want to be fitter and the activities also help your fitness. You want to have variety and not be bored.

3. Skill-related fitness refers to your ability to perform physical tasks efficiently as it relates to a particular sport, and health-related fitness relates to your day-to-day activities. There are five sections of health-related fitness: Cardiovascular endurance. Muscular strength.

4. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers.

5. Answer: As we get older, exercise and activity can be trying or painful. It's gives our family more energetic, and it boost our immune system. More flexibility and less possiblity of sickness.

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