Reading informational text allows students to develop sophisticated comprehension skills, build critical content knowledge and vocabulary, and apply higher-order thinking skills. Challenging informational text may require scaffolding and teaching new reading strategies so students can access the text.Author's Background
These can include age, gender, geographic location, ethnicity, cultural experiences, religious experiences, social standing, personal wealth, sexuality, political beliefs, parents, peers, level of education, personal experience, and others.Context refers to the occasion, or situation, that informs the reader about why a document was written and how it was written. The way writers shape their texts is dramatically influenced by their context. ... Contexts are sometimes described as formal, semi-formal, or informal.This course critically analyzes Philippine history from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources. Priority will be given to primary sources that describe the important turning points in Philippine history from prehistoric times up to the contemporary period and articulate various perspectives.