1. If you sit on a chair, what will be your net force?a. 0C. 2b. 1d. 32. Which of the following will you do to accelerate a moving object?a. Apply inertiac. apply an unbalance forceb. Apply balance forced. apply both balance and unb3. Based from the picture below which increasing kinetic energy is best illustraBEn OUTAa. Point Cb. Point Bc. Point Ad. Point A and
It refers to the characteristics of fresh vegetables which is generally based on its chemical composition or physical characteristics A. Quality B. ValueC. Freshness D. Quantity
13. Which type of musical composition is a product of imagination anddiscovery originated after study and experiment?A. InventionC. CreationB. InnovationD. Discovery14. Which of the following musical style of Gershwin where songs by thecharacters are interwoven into narrative, sometimes accompanied bydancing?A. Film musicalsC. Musical theaterB. Orchestral musicD. Chamber music15. Who among the composers believe that the universal language ofmusic is basically rooted in tonality?A. George GershwinC. Louis DureyB. Arthur HoneggerD. Leonard Bernstein