1. A western movement in decorative and visual art. A. Byzantine B. Medieval C. Neoclassicism D. Romanticism 2. An influential french painter whose subject of paintings were more on history. A. Jean-Auguste lngres B. Jacques-Louis David C. James Renwick D. Jean-Paul Marat 3. Below are the Characteristics of neoclassicism, except. A. Heightened sensation (life and death movements) B. Use of diagonal to show peak of an emotion or movement C. Roman and Greek history D. Emphasis on formal compositions 4. A painting shows willingness to sacrifice for the good of their country. A. The death of Marat B. Napoleon crossing the Alps C. Oath of the Horatii D. Tge Apotheosis of Homer 5. What moral message does a neoclassical painting is trying to convey? A. care for nature B. strong religious belief C. love, passion D. self-sacrifice, patriotism 6. The neoclassical sculpture aims at conveying moral message given below, except. A. heroism B. love C. patriotism D. virtue 7. He was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist who executed sculptures of mythological and religious themed characters. A. Antonio Canova B. Bertel Thorvaldsen C. Guillermo Tolentino D. Francois Rude 8. The subject of neoclassical sculptures are stated below, except. A. contemporary personage B. heroes of the past C. mythological and religious figures D. everyday life scenes 9. He was a prolific Italian artist and sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh. A. Antonio Canova B. Bertel Thorvaldsen C. Guillermo Tolentino D. Francois Rude 10. They were the inspiration of neoclassical sculptures. A. Ancient Egyptians B. Prehistoric Man C. Romans D. Greeks​

Answers 1








hope its help carry on learni ng and correct me if im wrong plss

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