task 3 Answer the following in your activity notebook.1. How do people in Luzon create artworks? Are these artwork significant to their lives? if yes,why?2. How does the change of time, development of the country and technology affects the creation of art in Luzon? ​

Answers 1


Answer the following in your activity notebook.

1. How do people in Luzon create artworks? Are these artwork significant to their lives? if yes, why?

  • People in Luzon make artworks such as the nipa house or Bahay Kubo, as well as bamboo furniture like as chairs and beds. Other indigenous peoples weave patterns and even clothing. Yes, these pieces of art are important in their lives since they can use them in their daily lives as well as respect their culture.

2. How does the change of time, development of the country and technology affects the creation of art in Luzon? ​

  • Changes in time, as you may know, can allow people to improve their tools and structures. As a result, because Luzon is prospering with technology, it will have a significant impact on culture and creative development. Technology is the most recent trend, and the concept is still growing and a large number of people are gaining access to it. On the negative side, the creation of art in Luzon may see a decline due to technological advancements, and it will be unenjoyable since it is not appropriate for the time we have. On the brighter side, thanks to technology and the internet, many people will be aware of Luzon's culture of the creation of arts. 

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