8. You want to apply color to your digital work art. What tool should u click?A. formatC. brushD. pencil​

Answers 1


The Brush tool, which functions similarly to an actual paintbrush, allows you to paint on any layer with virtually no lag time. You'll also have a choice of options to choose from, which will enable you to customize it to meet your specific requirements in various situations. As soon as you understand how to use the Brush tool, you'll see that numerous other implements, such as the Eraser and the Spot Healing Brush, have a standard set of parameters that you may use consistently. Operating the Brush tool to paint in your document is a piece of cake. To paint, locate and select the Brush tool from the Tools panel, then click and drag in the document window to create a painting effect. To erase, click and remove in the document window to erase the painting effect. Additionally, using the B key on your keyboard will allow you to access the Brush tool at any time during your session.

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