8. Whose masterpiece is the Library of Sainte-Genevieve?A. Palais Garnier B. David C. Henri Labrouste D. Guillermo Tolentino9. How would you describe Antonio Canova?A. He is a Palladian ArchitectB. He is the most influential romantic painter.C. He is a painter whose painting showed history.D. He is an Italian artist and a famous marble sculptor.10. Which of the painting below commemorates Spanish resistance to Napoleon's armies during theoccupation of 1808?A. The Third of MayB. Charging ChasseurC. Liberty Leading the PeopleD. The Burial of Sardine11. Why landscape painting was more popular during romantic period?A. People had romantic adoration of nature,B. Residents love to see panoramic view.C. Dwellers wanted to paint sceneries.D. It is the start of the secular painting.12. Which of the following sculptures is made by Bertel Thorvaldsen?A. Christ B. Lion of LucerneC. White House D. Both A and B13. Which Gericault's painting portrays the victims of a contemporary shipwreck?A. Charging ChasseurB. Insane WomanC. The Raft of the Medusa D. Der Kleine Fisher14. Dramatic is to Romanticism asis to Neoclassicism.A Emotional B. Inspirational C. llogical D. Subjective15. Which is the famous landscape painter who painted the Der Kliene Fisher and Landscape witha Plowman?A. Antoine-Louis BaryeB. Francois RudeC. Jean Baptiste CorotD. Theodore Rousseau​

Answers 1


8. C. Henri Labrouste9. B. He is the most influential romantic painter10. D. The burial of sardine11. A. People had romantic adoration of nature,12. C. White house13. B. Insane women14. D. Subjective15. A. Antoine- louis barye

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