1. These are usually made in shadow-pairsa. Flat Cushionb. Ceramicsc. Color and Design d. Ziggurat2. How do traditional Turkmen carpet being done?a. Printingb. Drawing c. Sewingd. Weaving3. This refers to the lightness or darkness of a colora. Shapeb. Formc. Valued. Texture4. Who is the Goddess of wealth and good luck?a. Shivab. Lakshmic. Zeusd. Buddha5. How many days does the festival of light being celebrated?a 5b. 10c. 15d. 206. How do women paint rangoli?a. using bare fingers b. using foams c. using canvassd. using foot7. What is the most common materials used in making traditional Arabian carpets?a. Feathersb. Sheep wool c. Cottond. Coconut Husk8. Why does the truck art of Pakistan have an augmented rooftop?a. To carry more passengersc. Space for decorationb. To showcase their metal production d. To carry more loads9. It is a geometric configuration of symbols.a. Tibetb. Diwalic. Lot Dijid. Mandala10. What is the sign of woman's status and wealth?a. Carb. Housec. Jewelryd. Bags11. Which of the following is not an example of major forms of arts in Tibet?a. stone Carving b. Metal Carving c. Mural paintingd. Thangka Painting12. How many rock cut caves are there in Ajanta Caves of Maharashtra?a. 20b. 30c. 40d. 5013. What are the traditional handicrafts in Tibet?a. Tapestriesb. Painting c. Carvingd. MuralsPaki sagot po plsss​

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