microbiologging name of website and description?pa help Po need lng​

Answers 1


Twitter is the most famous microblogging site. It allows you to send small posts known as ‘tweets’ up to 140 characters in length. Apart from normal users, it is also used by celebrities and politicians. We can share photos, videos, and text on Twitter with our followers, along with trendy hashtags. You can also exchange messages on this microblogging platform.

Tumblr is one of the best microblogging sites where you can easily share photos, videos, images, text, and links.

Plurk is another popular social bookmarking and microblogging site. You can share links, images, videos, etc. with your followers on Plurk. The site is free to use.

Twister is a P2P microblogging platform. You have to download Twister using the official website and start using their services. By using this microblogging site, you get features like free speech, no spying, and there is also no IP recording.

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