1.Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really a necessity? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you reconcile the “need” for technology and the dilemma/s it faces? _ _______________________________________________ 3. Should there be an ethics of technology? Why? Explain. _​

Answers 1


1. Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really a necessity?

Technology is now a necessity in terms of every day life, from education to navigating around a city. Technology is inevitable in our everyday lives. This is because life without technology is pointless in today's dynamic world. Technology, which brings together tools to promote development, use and information exchange, has as its main objective of making tasks easier and the solving of many problems of mankind.

2. How do you reconcile the “need” for technology and the dilemma/s it faces?

The best way to reconcile the need for technology and the dilemmas it faces right now particularly in ethical issues is intensive literacy or education.

We can enumerate a lot of dilemmas which technology is facing right now. I want to focus on one because I believe these dilemmas should be addressed separately. Perhaps the one of the greatest dilemma that technology is facing right now is the ethical issues like copyright infringement, violation in intellectual property rights, computer crimes such as cyber bullying, phishing, scamming and the likes.

The prevalence of these ethical issues is clearly visible in the society we have right now. These ethical issues should be addressed immediately to avoid serious effects in the end. However, in dealing these issues, it should not compromise the extreme need of technology. And the best thing to deal with these ethical issues is intensive literacy or education.

3. Should there be an ethics of technology? Why? Explain.

Definitely, all the science and technology need ethics to be maintained so that we humans do not harm others and the Earth for our benefits. The ethics in technology helps humans to build moral grounds on which each technology is used.


Hope it helps po~!

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