list down the safety precautions applicable for people, equipment and the environment​

Answers 1


Here's the safety precautions applicable for people, equipment and environment:

•Your safety is your personal responsibility.

•Always follow the correct procedures.

•Never take shortcuts.

•Take responsibility and clean up if you made a mess.

•Clean and organize your workspace.

•Ensure a clear and easy route to emergency exits and equipment.

•Be alert and awake on the job.

•Be attentive at all times to your work surroundings.

•When in doubt, contact your supervisor or manager for instruction, guidance, or training.

•Never take risks when it comes to safety.

•Obey safety signs, stickers, and tags.

•Take short breaks when you keep up a repetitive motion for a long period of time, and sit, stand, or walk with good posture.

•Report serious injuries immediately to a supervisor and get emergency assistance.

•Keep things in perspective. Hazards may be limitless, so focus on the most likely risks first.

·Strained backs and sliced fingers may be more popular in your workspace than would the risk of flooding (as in a basement office) or the risk of wild animals cutting loose (as in a zoo).


•Educate everyone in the workplace about the safety requirements and consider posting a list of workplace safety tips. A workplace safety training will help them reduce or eliminate injuries and illnesses from occurring in the workplace.

•Always keep the communication lines open with your co-workers, employers, or employees in order to promote and maintain a safe environment.

•Immediately notify others of any (new or old) hazards that you perceive.

•Be alert to hazards that could affect anyone— not just yourself; in this respect, maintain a team mentality at all times.

•Report a hazardous condition immediately to your manager or supervisor.

•Be conscious as to what others are doing around you, and do your best to ensure you don’t pose a hazard to them (and vice versa).

•If you’re an employer, invite and involve your employees in safety planning; obtain their insight, give and take suggestions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.


I hope these helps.

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