EST III. COMPUTER SYSTEMS A. Identify the following. Write your answers in the space provided. 1. The core of a computer 2. This allows you to send data, interact and control the computer 3. It is incorrectly referred to as CPU. 4. The storage of OS, software titles and most other files. 5. The computer's brain 6. The foundation of a computer 7. The computer's working memory 8. Any hardware that is capable of holding information either temporarily or permanently. 9. It helps end users in accessing and using the functionalities of a computer. 10. The electric power converters​

Answers 1


1.  Cpu core

2. Input device

3. Monitor

4. HDD (Hard disk drive)

5. Cpu

6. Boolean logic

7. Ram (Random access memory)

8. Storage Device

9.End-user device

10. PSU (Power Supply Unit)

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