The ocean medallion is a wearable device  that connects virtually to various devices on board a cruise ship. When a guest is wearing the medallion, they can order a drink with their smartphone or open their cabin door automatically by standing in front of it. Which emerging technology does Cloud combine with to enable this medallion’s features?

Answers 1

The ocean medallion is a wearable device that connects virtually to various devices on board a cruise ship. When a guest is wearing the medallion, they can order a drink with their smartphone or open their cabin door automatically by standing in front of it. Which emerging technology does Cloud combine with to enable this medallion’s features?

IoT, or the Internet of Things, is a new technology that the cloud works with to make the features of ocean medallion possible. It has several benefits with the use of ocean medallion:

  1. With the use of wearable technology, Ocean Medallion, the experience of taking a cruise may be made more convenient and personalized.
  2. Features that are offered by ocean medallion such as enjoy interactive games, on-demand purchasing, simple ship navigation, quicker boarding, and much more. You only need to create a profile that connects to your medallion for it to work.
  3. The sensors enable this gadget to gather data and transfer it to a processing unit so that information may be extracted and the task carried out using IoT.
  4. The crew can view information through the Medallion that will help them serve you more effectively. The ocean medallion is portable.
  5. You can wear your Medallion with one of the numerous accessories, such as a wristband, necklace, lanyard, or clip, or you can keep it in your pocket or purse.

Learn more about IoT


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