What are the institutions that govern international relations?
Institutions such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organizations (WTO), and the International Court of Justice are taken to, over time, have developed power and influence to shape the foreign policies of individual states. Furthermore, the existence of the globalized world economy makes continuous military power struggle irrational, as states are dependent on participation in the global trade system to ensure their own survival. As such, the liberal framework stresses cooperation between states as a fundamental part of the international system. States are not seen as unitary actors, but pluralistic arenas where interest groups, non-governmental organizations, and economic actors also shape the creation of foreign policy.
The liberal framework is organizations associated with the analysis of the globalized world as it emerged in the aftermath of World War II. Increased political cooperation through organizations such as the UN, organizations as well as economic cooperation through institutions such as the WTO, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, organizations was thought to have made the realist analysis of power and conflict inadequate in explaining the workings of the international system organizations.
What are the institutions that govern international relations?