extrovert in tagalog

Answers 1

Extrovert in tagalog is palakaibigan.

Extroverts are often described as talkative. Their open, sociable and enthusiastic nature characterizes them. Extroverts thrive on interaction.

Extroverts are often mistaken for attention-seeking. In fact, this is simply because extroverts get their energy from engaging in social interactions. People who are high in extroversion need a high level of social drive to feel energized. They get inspiration and joy from talking and discussing ideas with others.

People who self-identify as extroverts tend to seek out new experiences and social connections that allow them to interact with other people as much as possible. Extroverts make new friends easily. They also tend to have a large social network and many acquaintances. By pursuing new interests and activities, extroverts often want to further expand their social circle.

A person who is highly extroverted is likely to feel bored when they spend too much time alone. The nucleus accumbens is part of the dopamine system, which affects how we learn and is commonly known for motivating us. Differences in the dopamine system in the brains of extroverts tend to encourage them to seek out new things, take risks, and enjoy unusual or surprising situations more than others.

Learn more about extroverts at https://brainly.ph/question/1772693


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