Figure 5. Map of the plate boundariesAssessment 11. Pacific plate and Nazca plate formed ______(convergent, divergent) boundary.2. San Andreas Fault is a transform fault boundary found in_____( South American plate, North American plate).3. Philippine plate moves toward_____(Australian plate, Eurasian plate)at the convergent boundary.4. ______ ( convergent, divergent) is the type of boundary between Australian plate and African plate.5. The type of boundary between Pacific plate and Antarctic plate is_____(convergent, divergent) boundary.
DIRECTIONS: Complete the crossword puzzle below.AcrossDown1. Modern "Balagtasan"4. Occurring or existing after the colonialperiod6. Also known as web log9.poetry or digital poetry10. Another term for 21st century literature2. Prevalent in 21st century literature3. Shortest short story5. Literary form that greatly flourishedafter the colonial period7. Fantastical form of fiction8. Favorite theme or subject amongcontemporary authors