1. What is cation?A. Negatively charged ions occur when atoms gain 1 or more valence electronB. Neutrally charged ions occurs when atoms gain same valance electronC. Positively charged ions occur when atoms lose 1 or more valence electronsD. Positively charged ions occur when atoms gain 1 or more valence electrons2. What do you call the energy required to remove an electron from an atom?A. chemical bond B. chemical reaction C. ionization energyD. valence electrons3. A/Anis an atom (or bonded group of atoms) that either loses or gains one or moreelectrons and has either a positive or negative charge.A. ionB. chemical bondC. anionD. cation4. What is ionization energy?A. The amount of energy required to take an electron away from another atom.B. The ionic bond of energy required to take an electronC. The amount of ion required to take an electron away from ionic formationD. A and C5. What is the difference between ions and atoms?A. Atoms are positive/negative charge while ions are neutral charge, same amount of protonsand electronsB. Atoms are neutral charge, same amount of protons and electrons while ions arepositively/negative chargeC. Atoms are positive/negative charge and neutral charges while ions are positive and negativeelectronsD. Atoms are positive/negative charge and neutral charges while ions positive and negativeProtons6. What do you call the negatively charged ion it has gained one or more electrons)?A. ionB. chemical bondC. anionD. cation7. Which is the general term for the force that chemically holds two atoms together? Itmay form from the attractive forces between positive and negative ions or by sharingelectrons.A. ionB. chemical bondC. anionD. cation8. What is an ion?A. Atom with a charge due to the neutral of electronsB. Atom with a charge due to the charges of electronsC. Atom with a charge due to the gaining of electronsD. Atom with a charge due to the gain/loss of electrons9. What are the valence electrons and where are they found?A. They're involved in the formation of ions: most occupy the outermost shell of an atomB. They're found in the formation of atoms; most occupy the outermost shell of an atomC. Most occupy the innermost shell of an atom and involved in the formation of ionsD. In the formation of atom mostly occupy in the inner and outermost shell of an atom10. What do you call the transferring of one or more electrons from one atom to another,between metal and nonmetal, chemical bond?A. delocalizedB. isoelectronic C. ionic bondD. transferred​

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Answers 1


1) C

2) C

3) A

4) A

5) B

6) C

7) B

8) D

9) A

10) C


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