1. Which of the following equipment is frequently used by a caregiver?a. coffee makerc. tongb. microwave ovend. washing machine2. Why do we need to unplug the blender before cleaning it?a. to be free from accident/ injuryc. to stop the motorb. to remove the bladed. to work easily3. What is the balance between heat produced and heat lost in the body?a, blood pressurec. pulse rateb. body temperatured. respiratory4. This type of Thermometer uses mercury which is considered unsafe to usea. clinical thermometerC. ear thermometerb. digital thermometerd. infrared thermometer5. Which of the following is not proper when operating a blender?a. Choosing the setting appropriate for the specified task.b. Operating a blender in a dry, flat surface.C. Placing all the part of the blender in their appropriateplace before operating it.d. Plugging the blender first before putting the pitcher onto the base.​

Answers 1


2. a

3. b

4. a

5. d.


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